Celebrating Innovation: PC7 Wins Silver Prize in Circular Economy
09:30, 29.03.2024
Blog / Celebrating Innovation: PC7 Wins Silver Prize in Circular Economy
At PC7, we're proud to announce a significant milestone in our journey towards sustainability and innovation. We've been honored with the Silver Prize for the Best Invention in the Circular Economy for the year 2023! This recognition is a testament to the groundbreaking work we've been doing with our AI solution, PandaChat, which is revolutionizing the way we approach circularity.
Nurturing Circular Transformation
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to SRIP - Krožno gospodarstvo for their steadfast support in driving change and fostering circular transformation in Slovenia. Managed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Štajerska region, SRIP plays a pivotal role in shaping economic conditions for growth and competitiveness, not only locally but also on a broader scale.
Our heartfelt thanks also go out to the esteemed judges, Marko Hren, Martin Ocepek, Aleksandra Podgornik, and Zorka Novak Pintarič, for recognizing the potential PandaChat holds for the circular economy. Their insight and expertise have been invaluable in validating our efforts.
Additionally, we extend our appreciation to the Ministry of HE, Science and Innovation for their unwavering support, as well as to Nina Dremelj for her instrumental role in introducing us to the Vesna deeptech Venture Fund. Their support has been instrumental in propelling us forward on our mission.
A Tribute to the Team
Of course, none of this would have been possible without the dedication and hard work of our incredible team at PandaChat. From Primož Cigoj, PhD, to Urban Rupnik, Taja Kuzman, Leon Zupančič, Miha Stele, Žan Malenšek, Edis Fejzoski, and Sara Savić, each member has played a vital role in bringing our vision to life.
Together, we're not just celebrating an award; we're celebrating a commitment to driving positive change and pioneering sustainable solutions for a better tomorrow. With PandaChat leading the charge, we're excited to continue pushing boundaries and making a meaningful impact in the circular economy landscape. 🌱 🐼
Towards Circular Future Together
It's important to recognize the collective efforts of companies and institutions dedicated to shaping a sustainable future. We're honored to stand alongside esteemed organizations like ENVIT Ltd., Ekstera, Additio, and Kemijski inštitut - National Institute of Chemistry, Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije - Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute, Maja Ferme, University of Ljubljana (Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Impol Group, University of Maribor (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering), Surovina, LYO-Gold Zlatarna Celje d.o.o., Faculty of Polymer Technology, and Skaza REthink plastics. Respect LIFE, UKC Maribor / University Medical Centre Maribor, Institute of Metals and Technology//Inštitut za kovinske materiale in tehnologije, Primat Safes, jelovica Hise d.o.o., AC&P inženirski biro d.o.o., Ograje Kočevar, d.o.o., PRIOT Digital Systems, AiBC-robotics, META Circularity, advisory and innovation, Ltd,, Clera.one, Agencija Epic. Together, we're forging a path towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.
#CircularEconomy #Innovation #PandaChat #Sustainability #PC7 #SilverAward

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